
Crushed stone, 沙子和砾石菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全构成了建筑骨料行业,为许多基础设施项目奠定了基础,这些项目对我们的生活方式至关重要. McLanahan设计和制造的设备可用于建筑集料生产的所有步骤, 从粉碎物料到所需的尺寸和分类各种尺寸的特定用途, to maximizing fines recovery and eliminating settling ponds.

建筑骨料是由自然形成的矿藏产生的, including solid rock formations such as limestone and granite, and from loose deposits of sand and gravel. 建筑骨料最常见的结构用途包括波特兰水泥混凝土和沥青中的粗矿物和细矿物成分. Aggregates are used for road base and gravel roadways, as well as produced for use in everyday materials, such as paint, light bulbs and white appliances. 建筑骨料也可以作为其他制造过程的副菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,如炼钢厂的炉渣.


McLanahan提供了多种破碎解决方案,以帮助骨料生产商更好地控制菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的大小和形状. The company offers a wide range of primary, 用于通过压缩还原和精炼骨料的二级和三级破碎机, impact, and attrition or shear forces. McLanahan的内部实验室提供材料测试,为您提供符合您粉碎要求的机器.

Types of Aggregate Crushers


麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全给料机通过移动围裙盘将骨料输送到初始和下游工序, vibration, reciprocating plates or rollers. 给料机是专门为应用的材料尺寸设计的, weight and desired throughput, 然后编程以设定的速率给骨料以匹配传送带或破碎机的容量. 有些设计的方法是将饲料剥落,以过滤掉尺寸不足的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

Types of Aggregate Feeders


筛网是根据物料的大小来分离物料流的. 这是通过让材料有足够的机会通过筛选介质,并允许相互粘附的颗粒在此过程中脱落来实现的. McLanahan提供固定式和便携式筛选设备,用于分离材料, reduce fines generation, remove refuse material and minimize crusher size.

Types of Aggregate Screens

Washing & Classifying

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全广泛的洗涤和分级设备生产线,通过去除多余的水和拒绝有害物质,帮助骨料生产商满足规格要求. 该公司的设备还可以进行分级、分离和脱水. 骨料生产商只需要告诉McLanahan经验丰富的销售和工艺工程团队他们的饲料等级和所需的尺寸, McLanahan将为他们提供完整的系统模型以及菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全产量和浪费预测. Because requirements vary from site to site, McLanahan广泛的设备范围确保每个客户都有最佳的洗涤和分类应用解决方案,并将从他们的设备购买中获得最高的投资回报率.

Types of Aggregate Washing & Classifying Equipment


用于清除粗集料和砾石中的顽固粘土和其他有害物质, McLanahan offers a number of scrubbing solutions. Attrition Cells, Blade Mills, Coarse Material Screw Washers, 原木洗涤器和旋转洗涤器可用于分解和去除粘土, coatings, dust, vegetation and more from a coarse aggregate feed to produce a clean, sound aggregate product.

Types of Aggregate Scrubbing Equipment


McLanahan提供了行业中最大的脱水设备选择之一, including Dewatering Screens, Filter Presses, Fine Material Screw Washers, Hydrocyclones and Separators, and Thickeners/Clarifiers, to remove moisture from end products. McLanahan dewatering equipment produces a drier, drip-free end product. 它还帮助生产商创造一个可持续发展的环境,并通过减少和/或消除沉淀或尾矿池,帮助工厂解决许可和监管问题.

Types of Aggregate Dewatering Equipment


在集料行业的某些应用中,当涉及到采样精度和精度时,可能需要非常严格的公差. McLanahan可以为骨料生产商提供大范围的取样解决方案,以监测其菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的质量. McLanahan机械取样系统设计用于从移动带中提取样品, 提供更安全的收集方法和准确的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全质量监测方法.

Types of Aggregate Sampling Equipment

Fines Recovery

McLanahan offers a number of solutions when it comes to fines recovery. 该设备允许骨料生产商遵守许可和环境法规, reduce pond maintenance costs and extend pond life. In some cases, the need for tailings/settling ponds can be reduced or eliminated, which frees up time and land resources. 回收罚款的综合生产者也可能发现潜在的可销售菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

Types of Aggregate Fines Recovery Equipment

Why McLanahan

In the mining business since 1835, McLanahan雇佣了一个流程设计专家团队,他们能够帮助您创建一个更高效的, more productive and more profitable site. McLanahan确保您的骨料菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全符合所需的特定尺寸,以满足苛刻的规格, as well as ensures your application is satisfying water usage permits. Let McLanahan's crushing, feeding, screening/sizing, washing and classifying, dewatering, sampling, mixing/blending, 细粒回收和尾矿管理解决方案可帮助您生产所需的骨料.

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